First webinar on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment in the RHC sector
To establish a system with 100% renewable energies and decentralised structures, our energy system needs to change. New technologies, business models and societal transformation require flexibility and diversity to consider the perspective of several social groups. The participation and representation of women in the Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) sector are highly needed to fuel the energy transition. But which barriers prevent women from taking positions in the RHC sector? What tools and approaches exist to overcome these barriers?
Last May 31st 2022, we answered these questions during the first webinar of the capacity building on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment in the RHC sector. WECF presented several gender dimensions. Using the term gender dimensions, we refer to the specific ways, relations and areas by which gender and gendered roles have been constructed. Furthermore, with an input presentation, experience sharing and discussions, we pointed out several gendered barriers, e.g., carving out gender stereotypes that shape our perception and the way we walk through the world. As a solution, we showed specific gender tools that can tackle such barriers in the RHC sector.
W4RES aims to offer this capacity building program for international stakeholders of the RHC sector through a series of 5 webinars. They will take participants along different steps towards women empowerment and gender equality in the RHC sector. The first webinar has launched the series by introducing core knowledge on the understanding of the topic relevance, it will be followed by the introduction and the practice of selected gender tools. Moreover, participants are invited to participate in the selection of the last webinar’s topic by voting for their priorities /preferences which helped us to identify the most relevant tool to engage the RHC sector towards gender balance.
>>>Register for our next webinar on “Gender tool: Gender-self assessment and Gender Action Plan for RHC actors” on June 15th at 10 am CET, here
Find below the full program:
Find the recording of our first Webinar here.