W4RES Webinar on “Gender Tool: Gender-responsive communication in RHC sector”

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Event date :
5 July 2022
Location :

We are coming back on the 5th July, 2022, 10-11.30 am CET with our new tool selected for you: Gender-responsive communication in the RHC sector!

First of all, we would like to thank everyone who has been following our program until now as well as those who have been actively participating in our previous sessions! In our last webinar n°2 on “Gender tools: Gender-self assessment and Gender Action plan for RHC” we learnt about the mentioned tools and their processes as well as built a first strategy for a Gender Action Plan for our sector together.

To practice and implement more gender tools, in this next webinar we will be talking about gender-responsive communication as an important gender tool. Communication is a core part of our life since any form of interaction with other people is communication. The words, pictures or expressions we use convey a certain message and that message should always be inclusive and free of stereotypes. For that, gender-responsive communication is a great gender tool to reach more gender equality. It can be implemented in your life and workplace with little effort but make a big difference!

That’s why you should join our upcoming webinar n°3, where we will introduce you to the basics of gender-responsive communication. The webinar will explain different types and spheres of communication to be aware and conscious of when working on your communication strategy and will provide and discuss different visual and language examples as well as recommendations for gender-responsive communication. In the end, some first tips will be given on where to start in order to make sure your communication style is gender-responsive.

Join us for this webinar by registering here and take home valuable information and easily implementable tips on gender-just communication.

After this third webinar, our series will continue in September with the topic of energy communities as shown below: