This is it! We are reaching the end of our first series of webinars on gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment in the renewable heating and cooling (RHC) sector.
During this capacity building program we have seen the importance, benefits and barriers to women empowerment in the energy sector. We have the tools, now we need to change the mindsets and stop reproducing gender inequalities.
As promised, you chose the topic for our last webinar, happening on 21st September 22, 10-11.30 am CET. During our first event, we shared a survey, asking your opinion on "You have the budget and the time - which tools are the most relevant and interesting to start with?". Participants indicated the following tools they would like more information about: women’s empowerment (59%), targets and indicators (55%) and gender trainings (45%).
Therefore, based on this given interest, we have selected the following three approaches to focus on:
I/ Mentoring, coaching and networking
II/ Gender trainings
III/ Active recruiting
Join us while we explore everything about mentoring programs, listen to experiences from mentee/mentor in the RHC sector, and get insights on successful role model networks and programs. Furthermore, we will give practical information on how YOU can organise gender trainings. To conclude, you can watch the steps undertaken by a successful community on active women recruitment. It promises to be an interesting webinar where we aim to provide all participants with a list of opportunities and concrete actions, they can undertake to successfully empower women in the RHC sector.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our last webinar!
Are you interested? Register to the webinar: