Seminar “Energy communities and their potential to increase inclusivity in the regions”

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Event date :
21 June 2023
Location :

The main topic of the seminar is the potential of energy communities to contribute to increasing gender equality and inclusivity in regional energy. The seminar will focus not only on presenting theoretical aspects of supporting inclusion and the role of energy communities, but also on approaches and tools or examples of good practice that can help increase the involvement of women and other groups in initiatives aimed at developing energy communities.

The seminar is intended for everyone, experts, companies, activists or representatives of the public who are interested in sharing experience, obtaining new information or practical examples in this area.

This event is free of charge and open to all interested parties. However, please fill out the registration form at the following link:


9:00–9:10: Opening of the event, Jana Bieliková, PEDAL Consulting

9:10–9:20: The potential of community energy in Slovakia, Stanislav Laktiš, SIEA

9:20–10:20: Gender diversity and how I can work with it, Zuzana Zamborská,BE-ID Human


10:30–11:30: Women in regional energy—practical experience of the Opavsko Local Action Group, Petr Chroust, MASOpavsko

11:30–12:30: Work-life balance in women's life cycles, Zuzana Zamborská, BE-ID Human


13:30–14:30: Principles of operation of local action groups and community energy on examples from the Czech Republic and other EU countries, Petr Chroust, MASOpavsko


14:45–15:00: Tools and aids (T&I) for energy actors: an overview, Jana Bieliková,PEDALConsulting/W4RES

15:00–16:00: Inclusive communication: why communication is important, what are the barriers, what role gender and age play, Zuzana Zamborská, BE-ID Human

16:00–16:30: Families and gender-friendly workplaces and good practices, Anna Klimáčková, NCRP