The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call for Europe: the dependence on fossil fuel imports needs to be reduced, and the transition to renewable energies must be accelerated. Energy cooperatives are key to implement the transition to renewable energy. In fact, there is a great untapped potential for renewable energies and energy cooperatives, and this is also true for Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In order to develop this potential, the necessary framework conditions and the practical pathways forward have to be outlined. We want to contribute to the process by bringing together representatives from civil society and decision makers in order to exchange best-practices examples and necessary next steps to support the cooperative energy transition.
Registration under the following link until 01 June is required: Register here!
9h - 10h30
The European framework for energy communities and the role of cooperatives in the energy transition
Dr. Lars Holstenkamp, University Lüneburg & ECOLOG Institute for Social-Ecological Research and Education
Adela Tesarova, DG Energy, European Commission, Head of Unit, Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation
Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet, EREF, Director
11h00 - 12h30
Regional panel
Sharing best practices and building on the challenges of energy cooperatives
Goran Cacic, ZEZ, Croatia
Tsvetan Georgiev, Izgrei, Bulgaria
Kostas Komninos, DAFNI Network, Greece
Jelena Nikolic and Dubravka Živković, Elektropionir, Serbia