COLoreD Ceramics with high Absorbance and Solar SElectivity – COLD CAS2E project
COLD CAS2E studies novel high emissivity materials leading to energy efficiency by use of renewable energy in the field of solar exploitation and in refractory & metal production. The project proposes colored oxides for use as a cost-effective volumetric solar absorber, or as energy-saving systems in refractory furnaces upon doping with second phases that modify the spectral emissivity beyond the state of the art.
The team is composed of two units: ISTEC (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici) and INO (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica). The former will put its broad skills into the design, processing, and characterization of oxide and non-oxide ceramics at the service of innovative material design, development, production, and optimization. The latter, INO, has consolidated specific skills in optical characterization and will provide key specific knowledge for the development of innovative solutions applied to solar power towers.
The research performed by the COLD CAS2E team provides avenues for enhanced system efficiency and cost-effective processes for thermal-solar energy plants and energy savings and increased in-service lifetime for applications under continuous high temperatures.
W4RES supports COLD CAS2E in its efforts with targeted training on available and suitable funding opportunities. The support services aim at providing the COLD CAS2E team with the resources and skills to valorize the innovative concept and the solid technical background within the framework of the EU R&I funding programs. Therefore the main focus of the customized training is the exploration of effective proposal writing methodologies.