Our partners
W4RES consortium is a balanced union joining forces and expertise on renewable energy sources research & advocacy, innovative business lines development and women advocacy.
W4RES consortium is a balanced union joining forces and expertise on renewable energy sources research & advocacy, innovative business lines development and women advocacy.
Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL, www.qplan-intl.gr is W4RES coordinator. Q-PLAN is an innovation and management consulting company, established in 2000. Q-PLAN will leverage its experience in the project management and coordination of large-scale projects and will be responsible for the overall coordination and management of W4RES.
APRE, www.apre.it, is a non-profit research organization created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and of some public and private bodies, to meet the growing demand for information on European research programmes. APRE will take advantage of its years of experience in promotion activities to design and deploy regional awareness raising campaigns, and to implement networking activities aiming at catalysing new cross-border opportunities and collaborations in markets within and outside the EU.
CiviESCo, www.civiesco.it, is the Energy Service Company of CiviBank and it is considered its Green Economy Division since 2016. CIVI, as an energy service company, has a deep knowledge of RES market conditions. As such, the company will undertake the identification and assessment of framework conditions impeding or favouring the uptake of renewable energy in heating and cooling
Founded in 2000 under the Save II program of the European Commission, the Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP), Bulgaria, is devoted to promoting the efficient and sustainable use of energy and to expanding the use of renewable energy. EAP as a major Energy Agency will tap into its technical expertise on renewable energy sources and technologies and actively contribute to the delivery of technical support and consultancy to help women set-up and deploy renewable energy projects for heating and cooling.
The European Centre for Women and Technology, www.ecwt.eu, provides a European level meeting place for leading public-private actors, academia and NGOs collaborating for measurably and significantly increasing the number of girls and women in technology in general and ICT in specific. ECWT will take advantage of the methodologies and tools it has developed to increase the involvement of women in the Energy sector and actively contribute to the delivery of the capacity building training programme for gender mainstreaming in the renewable heating and cooling market, by organising capacity buildings seminars with local stakeholders as well as webinars with international stakeholders.
European Green Cities (EGC), www.greencities.eu, is a non-profit organization, founded in 1998 and independent of political and financial interests. EGC will actively participate in W4RES as it will be involved in all project’s WPs. EGC will tap on its expertise in translating research into practical recommendations and lead the synthesis and translation of insights and lessons learned from the project into practical recommendations for policy.
EUREC, created in 1991, is the leading association of research centres and university departments active in the area of renewable energy. The purpose of the association is to promote and support the development of innovative technologies and human resources to enable a prompt transition to a more sustainable energy system. EUREC leads the Communication and Dissemination of the project.
Hochscule für Technik Stuttgart (HFT) is one of Germany’s oldest Universities of Applied Sciences, founded 1832. Its main research focus is on building, infrastructure and mobility, namely building physics and acoustics, urban energy and mobility systems, geoinformatics, innovative architecture and city planning or business models. HFT will lead the delivery of technical support and consultancy to help women set-up and deploy renewable energy projects for heating and cooling.
PEDAL Consulting, www.pedal-consulting.eu, is an innovation and management consulting company, with the origins in 2010. PEDAL will tap into its expertise in knowledge transfer activities and will be responsible for organising the mutual learning workshops and missions, aiming to foster international cooperation and exchange of good practices.
Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i) was founded in 2016 as a 100 % spin-off of Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ). SEZ is a not for profit organisation within Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH (SIG). The spin-off Steinbeis 2i GmbH has taken over all staff members and competences from SEZ, so that the almost 30 years’ experience of SEZ and the senior expertise of its staff in building innovation capacities in SME and supporting cross-border research and technology transfer is fully guaranteed and now executed by Steinbeis 2i. S2i, will be involved ain supporting hands-on promising women-led projects for renewable heating and cooling to enhance their market uptake.
WECF is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation and member of an international network of over 150 women’s, health and environmental organisations advancing women’s rights and sustainable development in the areas of energy, climate, health as well as water and agriculture in over 50 countries. WECF has considerable experience and expertise in gender aspects and will therefore support CIVI in assessing framework conditions impeding or favouring the uptake of renewable energy in heating and cooling by identifying and integrating their gender dimension.
White Research, www.white-research.eu, is a social research SME specializing in consumer behaviour, market analysis and business and social innovation in key sectors including Energy, Agriculture, ICT, Health, Transport as well as in other related sectors and sub-fields. The considerable expertise of WR in the RHC market uptake challenges and large-scale surveys and analytics make this partner the ideal responsible for the collection and analysis of needs, perceptions and challenges of market actors and stakeholders within RHC, the design and implementation of surveys and interviews and finally the reporting of conclusions and recommendations based on the collected insights.